Power outages in Portland are not unknown, despite our rather benign weather. The fact is, the power can and does go off here, for a variety of reasons. That’s when it’s good to know your power needs are covered with a backup generator.
Generators are no longer rare in residential areas, as the weather gets wackier and homeowners are more and more reluctant to experience the inconvenience of not being able to cook, going without lights or worrying about food spoiling in the refrigerator.
Here are 10 reasons the power might go off in your Portland home.
- Lightning strike. Power thunderstorms are rare here, but can happen. When lightning hits transformers, it can knock out the power.
- Flooding. Flood waters from torrential rain and melting snow can damage electrical equipment at ground level or below, knocking out power till flooding resides and repair crews can fix it.
- Wind. High winds can blow down power lines, resulting in temporary loss of electricity.
- Falling trees. Trees may hit power lines after being toppled by high winds or improper cutting.
- Home construction. If you’re building a house or performing major renovations, the electricity may be off for extended periods.
- Animals. Believe it or not, but sometimes animals can cause blackouts, from birds shorting out power lines to underground burrowing animals chewing through buried cables.
- Power company outage. We don’t always know the reason, but sometimes the power just goes out while the utility company works on the lines. Outages can be short or long term, and might be caused by a short circuit or overloading of electricity mains.
- Power surge in the home. Sometimes the homeowner’s electrical system shorts out, particularly if it’s old or repairs have not been done correctly.
- Gas line problems. Gas lines may leak and have to be shut off till repairs are made.
- Earthquake. Portland is in an earthquake zone. This can be a major cause of long-term power outages.
For more on how a backup generator can benefit you and your family when the power’s down, contact Roth Home. We serve the greater Portland area.