You may have noticed that the trend in electronics and other industries is a digital one. Even eye glass lenses are now made digitally. So it’s no surprise that thermostats have gone digital as well. If you haven’t made the switch to a programmable thermostat, you may not be aware of the benefits a digital thermostat can have.
Why You Should Switch to a Programmable Thermostat
Making the switch to a programmable thermostat can actually save you money. Digital thermostats are more accurate than their analog counterparts, and that makes it easier to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.
An accurate thermostat also means your air conditioner will only run long enough to reach the temperature you set, which will save you quite a bit of money on your energy bill.
Another great reason to switch to a programmable thermostat is that they are not made with mercury. Analog thermostats contain mercury like a regular thermometer.
Analog thermostats are also notorious for having displays that are hard to read. They are usually a dial with a needle that points to a temperature. Digital thermostats have a digital display that tells you exactly what the temperature of your home is, making it easy to make adjustments if you want to do so.
Digital thermostats can be programmed to a lower temperature when you are home and a higher temperature when you are at work, which can also save you quite a bit of money. In the fall, you can easily set the thermostat to start heating your home to a more comfortable temperature before you get home.
Many of the newer thermostats can also be controlled via an app on your smartphone which gives you even more control over your energy consumption. If you’ll be staying late at the office, you can override your digital thermostat presets and to maintain the current temperature until you get home.
For more information about making the switch to a programmable thermostat, contact the experts at Roth Home. We’ve been serving the Portland area for over 30 years.