UV light, when installed on your HVAC system, inflicts damage on the DNA structures of microorganisms including fungi, mold, viruses and bacteria. It essentially “breaks them,” rendering them incapable of repairing themselves.
UV lights are natural sterilizing agents, present in the rays of the sun. This is one of our planet’s primary defenses against the spread of disease. By concentrating this powerful energy we are able to purify large quantities of indoor air. Cleaner air also means a vast reduction in the build-up of microbes such as mold on household surfaces.
Mold’s natural function is as a decomposer, and it flourishes in damp environments like ours in Oregon. It has its place in our environment, but does not belong in your home! It compromises the structure of your house and seriously affects your family’s health. While you can have your home tested for mold, there are no standards to measure safe levels. The best defense is to keep your air dry and sterilized.
The CDC recommends the use of UV lights in residences and in institutions where the spread of disease is likely. Office buildings employing UV light filters see up to a 50% reduction in respiratory and muscle complaints, even in heavy smokers. The US government has also taken note of the power of UV lights and requires their use in all government facilities.
You can’t bring the sun inside, but you can mimic its effects with UV lights, reducing the presence of indoor pathogens by up to 99%. The light is perfectly safe, passing through an exposure unit and affecting only those organisms it targets. Your pets and family will only experience the benefits of cleaner air and greater health, and your home will maintain its integrity.